Scripture Union Daily Guide 14th December 2022 | Give Generously


Scripture Union Daily Guide 14th December 2022
Scripture Union Daily Guide 14th December 2022, SU Daily Guide Devotional Reading for Wednesday

Read Scripture Union Daily Guide 14th December 2022, Wednesday

TOPIC: Give Generously

OPENING PRAYER: Grant me depth of insight, revelation and knowledge as I meditate on this passage, O Lord.

SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 30:13‐27

Question(s) for Reflection
• Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?

In response to the invitation, a great multitude gathered at Jerusalem to keep the feast of Unleavened Bread which customarily followed the Passover (Leviticus 23:4‐8). How did the people show their dedication to God (v.14; cf. 29:16)? Perhaps this is what challenged the priests and Levites in v.15.

Christian leaders are to lead by example. Failure to do this often has negative effect on their followers. Hezekiah is a good example of a godly leader. Notice the role he played in ensuring the feast went well despite the ignorant actions of the people (vs.18‐19, 22‐24)

. How is your faith influencing your decisions at work? If Christians today would prepare their hearts for worship with as much care as they prepare for their “Sunday best,” the Lord would send His blessings on His Church. See Hosea 6:6 and Micah 6:6‐8. Like God did with Hezekiah, He answers when we pray to Him (v.20). There was so much joy and blessing that Hezekiah and the people decided to prolong the celebration for another week, and the King generously provided the sacrifices needed for the offerings (vs.23‐24).

READ: Scripture Union Daily Guide 9th December 2022 | Finding Courage to Move On

Hezekiah’s charitable example motivated the leaders to bring extra sacrifices as well. Spontaneous giving comes from spontaneous worship of the Lord and heartfelt gratitude to Him.

Practice/Word Application
Help me, Lord, to faithfully support your work and workers.
• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?

• Help me, Lord, to faithfully support your work and workers.

Offer a prayer of faith in line with Genesis 9:1

One Year Bible Reading Plan
2 Peter 1; Psalms 131, 132.


For we aim at what is honourable not only in the Lord’s sight, but in the sight of man.
2 Corinthians 8:21

☀ The new heart and spirit He gave us that has helped, and still help us to be free from deceit or untruthful.
☀ The Christianity we have received that is marked by integrity and honesty.

☛ Christian homes as we relate and teach our children the importance of honesty and integrity.
☛ Deliberate decision to speak the truth from our hearts, as we take the pain to always do what is right before God and man.
☛ Grace to put a tight rein on our tongues, as we put our emotions under the control of the Holy Spirit.

⚠ Speaking evil and deceit while claiming to be Christians.
⚠ Application of worldly wisdom and utilizing worldly strategies in the things of God.

READ ALSO: Scripture Union Daily Guide 10th December 2022 | Wrecked but Preserved

Scripture Union Daily Guide 14th December 2022. Scripture Union is an international, interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization. It was founded in 1867, and works in partnership with individuals and churches across the world. The organization’s stated aim is to use the Bible to inspire children, young people and adults to know God.

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