Daily Bible Verse for Today 2nd February 2024, Friday
Read Daily Bible Verse for Today 2nd February 2024 – The Mystery Of Regeneration (John 3:3-4) Devotional content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer
BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY: Jesus said unto him, Except a man be born from above, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus said: How can a man be born when he is old? — John 3:3-4
MESSAGE: Marvel not! said Jesus to Nicodemus—but notwithstanding, it is difficult not to marvel at the wonder and mystery of the New Birth.
Birth, as in the case of the little chick, is emergence. His the emergence of a tiny creature from darkness and confinement into the great world, with its over-arching blue, its mantle of green, and its abundant wealth. So the mineral may be born into the vegetable, the vegetable into the animal, the animal into the human, the human into the divine. But in each case the process is the same. We are born from above. (See marginal reading of A.V. and R.V. in Joh 3:3-7.) In other words, the kingdom above us must stoop down and take us into union with itself.
This new birth from above is the heavenward side of Faith. Just as the outstretched hand has two sides to it, the palm and the back, so the act by which we are incorporated into Life Eternal has two sides to it—the angels speak of it as being born into the Life of God; we describe it as trusting Jesus Christ for salvation. If we are believing—trusting in Him—we are born from above. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” To them that receive Him, Jesus gives the right to become the sons and daughters of God. “Now are we the sons of God.”
This is the mystery of the New Birth. “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect, and in Thy Book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It is high, I cannot attain to it.” It doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He, the First-Born from among the dead, shall appear, we shall be like Him!
ALSO, READ Scripture Union Daily Guide 2nd February 2024 – God Triumphs Over His Enemies At Last
It is a marvel, that in some mysterious manner we awake to find ourselves attached by the ties of birth and nature to this wonderful world. What are we? Whence came we! What is the true significance of this discipline of pain and weariness intersected with joy and gladness—we cannot tell! But is it not more marvellous that we should find ourselves belonging to that Eternal World through Jesus Christ our Lord; that He is the Ladder linking this world to His own, and that where He is, we shall be also?
Prayer of the Day
We thank Thee, O Saviour, that Thou hast taught us to know Thee, and to love Thee; but we thank Thee most of all for adopting us into Thy family, and making us the sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty. May we walk as children of Light, and go through the world fulfilling the ministries of Heaven. Amen.