Your Daily Prayer for the Day 9th September 2021 Thursday – A Prayer for God to Direct Our Next Steps

Your Daily Prayer for the Day 9th September 2021 Thursday
Your Daily Prayer for the Day 9th September 2021 Thursday – A Prayer for God to Direct Our Next Steps

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. – Proverbs 16:9

Your Daily Prayer for the Day 9th September 2021 Thursday Message:

Making big decisions is really hard. Making decisions that require our time, our finances and our energy can make us feel absolutely overwhelmed. As the internal and external pressures build, we can begin to feel desperate. Unfortunately, that is when we either tend to make poor decisions, or don’t make any plans in fear of making the wrong choice.

When Christians are struggling to make decisions, they might ask themselves, “What does God want me to do?” Or, “Should I do this activity or should I spend my time doing that one?”

As Christians, we can have peace in making plans for our today and our tomorrows, knowing that if it doesn’t go against the truth and principles found in God’s Word, then we can move forward! So go ahead, make those plans and dream about your amazing ideas. God has given you such a unique and creative mind to allow you to do the things he has gifted you to do.

As you determine what those plans are and as you keep your heart and mind open to the Lord, you can move forward in confidence, knowing that He will determine your steps. He has given you a mind to choose between right and wrong. He has given you a heart to know what is good. He has given you a soul to crave fellowship with Him. He loves you too much to want you to travel too far from Him. This is why God will determine your steps.

He will bring people and circumstances your way that may cause you to slow down, to reevaluate your path. He does this because He is good. He wants only the very best for you. If your plan gets muddled or destroyed, thank Him. He is protecting you because He cherishes you. He has something even more amazing than you can ever imagine in your future plans!

Today, let’s pray for the plans you are making, for God to direct your steps into his good and perfect will.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for each new day that you have given us. Thank you for creating our minds to dream. You designed each of us with a need to create, to develop, to dream of new possibilities. Thank you for giving us the freedom to make our own plans.

There are times Lord, when I don’t know which decision to make. Your Word says that You determine my steps. Thank you for the freedom that brings to my mind and heart. You are a good God, and you desire good things for me!

As I make my plans for today and tomorrow, and as I step forward in faith, guide my steps Lord where you want me to go. Turn me away from the direction of anything that I make plans for that will take my eyes off of you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tiffany Thibault enjoys living life with her husband, two teenage daughters and one very large dog. She homeschools her girls, and loves to write and speak about Jesus. She loves long walks, coffee and anything chocolate. You can find her over at www.TiffanyThibault.com.

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Chibuzor Nwaobasi

A lover of God. Passionate about evangelism. A Web designer and a digital marketer. I love spreading God's Word.

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