UCB Word for Today 21st March 2023 – Be Faithful To God At Work

UCB Word for Today 21st March 2023
UCB Word for Today 21st March 2023 Tuesday Daily Devotional Message (United Christian Broadcasters)

Read UCB Word For Today 21st March 2023 Devotional for Tuesday

TOPIC: Be Faithful To God At Work

SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, Colossians 3:23 NIV

If you were in charge of hiring people at work, what would you look for? Skill, dedication, punctuality, reliability, patience, kindness, and consistency? Jesus said, ‘Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much’ (Luke 16:10 NIV). Life mostly consists of little things, so if you’re unfaithful in little things, you will be unfaithful in most of life.

Do you possess a ‘guilt pile’ at work? It’s that little stack of items you haven’t got around to yet. Faithfulness includes how you handle it. It may not matter much to you that someone has sent you an email or written you a letter, but that person anticipates an answer. Their world may be counting on it. How do you manage the little things in life? Jesus said, ‘If you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?’ (v. 12 NIV).

Question: If you owned the business you work for, would you be taking all those extra coffee breaks? Would you buy the rental car you just abused for a week? How you handle the things that are not yours is a test of faithfulness to God. See how sensible this is? Faithfulness is important in all areas of life. God says you will be rewarded for your faithfulness, so do your best at work. ‘Work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters’ (Colossians 3:23 NIV). As a follower of Christ, you should have a reputation for being the most dependable person on the job. Why? Because you’re aware of who your true boss is!

DAILY BIBLE READING: Deuteronomy 4-6, Mark 11:1-19

UCB Word for Today 21st March 2023 Tuesday Daily Devotional. United Christian Broadcasters is a Christian media charity that exists to offer every person, in every place, every moment of the day, the opportunity to hear, watch or read the Word of God in a relevant and engaging way.

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