Scripture Union Daily Guide for 6 February 2024 Message
Read Scripture Union Daily Guide 6th February 2024, Tuesday SU Daily Guide Reading
TOPIC: Of A Truth, This Is The Prophet
OPENING PRAYER: I open my heart to meditate on your word, teach me your ways oh Lord.
Question(s) for Reflection
• Q 1: What does the passage teach about God the Father, or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?
• Q5: Is there any warning for me to heed?
Scripture Union Daily Guide for 6 February 2024: OUTLINE
Read vs.40-43 and evaluate the basis of your conviction about the lordship of Christ? As long as we remain nominal Christians, and base our convictions on human opinions, we may never come to full knowledge of Christ. That is why the promise made by Christ in vs.37-39 is a must for every believer (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:14; John 15:26).
What is another reliable basis of our conviction about Christ that you can see in v.42? In order not to be misdirected and confused, we must be guided by the scripture and the Holy Spirit (John 5:39). Ultimately, the depth of our conviction about the divine nature of Christ will determine the genuineness of our salvation.
Jealousy is a veil that can blindfold human eyes from seeing anything good in others. Notice the roles the religious leaders played in the persecutions of Jesus (vs.45-48). They refused to acknowledge His miracles, persuaded others not to (vs.47-48) and went further to falsely discredit Him as a Galilean (v.52).
What can we learn from the temple guards (vs.45-46) and Nicodemus (vs.50-51) in contrast to the religious leaders?
• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?
Pray for all Christians all over the world who are undergoing persecution because of their devotion to the truth.
Offer a prayer of faith in line with Romans 4:21
One Year Bible Reading Plan
Daily Bible Reading Plan: Day 37 – Exodus 22-24
Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
• The human and material resources God has always been providing for the ministry work in Onitsha Region
• The Children Ministry and Schools’ work.
• The Regional Coordinator, Travelling Secretaries, all staff in the Region for grace as they labour in God’s vineyard.
• Growth of the pilgrims in Groups, Zones and increase in school work amongst children and youths. • Expansion of brethren businesses and willingness to give; that the work will not suffer financially.
• Promotion for all civil servants and good jobs for applicants.
Scripture Union Daily Guide 6th February 2024 Devotional. Scripture Union is an international, interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization. It was founded in 1867, and works in partnership with individuals and churches across the world. The organization’s stated aim is to use the Bible to inspire children, young people and adults to know God.